Saturday 4 January 2014

How to keep your New Year's resolution

Most of us reluctantly make new years resolutions because we know that there is a
massive chance that we just won’t keep them.
The real trouble is not that making a
resolution is setting yourself up for failure
but that resolutions are often too vague to
keep like: “get in shape” or “get my life
together.” Those aren’t real goals because
they aren’t concrete enough.

The one trick to keeping your new years resolution is setting
small goals that add up to bigger ones. Instead of saying
you’re going to get in shape, create a reasonable plan of
weight loss. The real key here is having a plan. Instead of
generally declaring you want to lose weight, set a goal of
losing 5 pounds by March. Then ask yourself how you are
going to get there—that’s another goal in and of itself. Are you
going to commit to going to the gym three times a week, is
there a 30-day workout DVD you hope to complete or a diet
plan you want to try? Making broad goals more real will make
them a ton more achievable.

If your idea for 2014 is to “get your life back into gear” you
need to ask yourself what does that mean. Is it finding a new
boo? A new job? A new home? A new city? If so what’s your
plan of action. You must figure out what you actually want if
you actually expect to get it. If you want a new significant
other are you going to try online dating websites, apps or
going out every night? If you’re set on a new job will you
carve out time to find jobs, to rewrite resumes and cover
letters each week?
Completing a resolution means doing real research and
setting real goals, it’s not about making declarative
statements. Even quitting smoking takes more than just
deciding you are going to quit. Will you switch to electronic
cigarettes, a patch or gum? Will you reduce how many you
smoke a day first?
Asking yourself questions will help you figure out what you
want and how to get there.

So what are your big resolutions for the year?


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