Sunday, 15 December 2013

DIY Miley Cyrus Christmas ornaments--No twerking involved


Where are all them Miley Lovers! This new package is gaining some ground and is all over instagram. This is a special way to get you in the christmas spirit with your favourite 2013 superstar. as stated already, this time around, no twerking is involved, all you need to do is just print out and cut a tiny miley from the template below and mount her on any ornament of your choice on your pretty christmas tree. Sounds silly right? yeah, but its also fun, hilarious, cheap with an expensive outlook, gets you in the xmas vibe and the best part is, you can do it yourself (DIY).

Hehe, that's me wishing you a  Miley wrecking-ball Christmas!



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1 comment:

  1. Nobody in naija wud ever do this. Miley aint even worth it. She'll just spoil xmas 4 me


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