Friday, 20 December 2013

Raaju's Blog reader (RBR) of the Week!

 Anucha Ndubuisi, the first ever to gain this prestigious title, is the RBR of the week because of his consistency in visiting and contributing to the blog this week.

He's a career man who loves flashy things.  He's presently single and is looking out for a pretty, intelligent missing rib...He believes he can make any girl happy in all ramifications, provided she's not a lazy dependent lady... you can contact him via me if interested.

See more Photos below..

Anucha, this is ur prize for making it as the RBR of this week... 6824-9169-***2. (Drop your email, pin or number below to receive the missing digits)
Become the next RBR by visiting and commenting consistently and stand a chance to win more amazing prizes!


  1. Raaju,are u selling me out,

  2. Raaju,my pin is 32ff12d9,,phone number 08032330840,Raaju pls don't sell me out oh.

  3. Raaju thanks 4 the gift

  4. you are welcome...ur patronage is highly appreciated

  5. sell you out hw? like say yo no like am

  6. Nice pics. U still dey find missing rib, u suppose don marry na

  7. Will,who told u that I like it,if my wife should Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡ these post she will kill me oh,eeh raaju no kill me oh,I wan live longer so that I go enjoy my wealth oh.hahahhahahhahahaha


Please drop your comments here...
