Saturday, 14 December 2013

Sex on the first date. Bad Idea?

That awkward moment when you you just had sex with someone you just met or someone you just began to date surely happens to most girls. Not sure guys feel this way. That moment when your head is in a swirl wind from wondering what the guy thinks about you for sleeping with him so quickly, or the fact that he'd probably regard you as "easy". The belief that if you had waited a little longer, the odds of the relationship would be increased, and the usual onset of self-blame.

But you're both consenting adults. If modern values judge up the lady as easy, then the men should just as easily be tagged as easy as the women, afterall she didn't have sex with herself. But that is never the case. Why are women always on the receiving end of the moral backlash?

Women generally feel judged because contrary to what they think right before sex, they do not in any way know the guy they just met.

Someone once said that, When you first meet someone, you don't actually see them. You see a flimsy construction of their personality, created by your interpretation of the signals available. The way they make eye contact. How they interact with the bartender/waiter/homeless man asking you for change. The facts they choose to divulge about themselves. Because you have no other point of reference, every little detail resonates with added significance. Your mind, faced with a scarcity of information, is forced to create a projection of them.

It is fiction.

The fiction fades over time, as you get to know someone, she said. You witness them in different moods, interacting in multiple environments. Your construction of their personality deepens, nudges closer to reality. But on that first meeting, while you may get a peek, or even a full throttled gaze at their character, it is impossible to see the real person in front of you. It is a grand mirage.

But again, that's just an excuse for going "down" too early on in the relationship.

That being said, still in our world today, does sleeping with someone on a first date really determine the outcome if the union? Is it okay to feel slutty after "early" sex? is it such a big deal for guys?


  1. a well mannered girl won't do this and thats fact

  2. Anonymous, i'm guessing ur a guy. So its actually a big deal for guys if she succumbs on the first date?

  3. yes, i am a guy. ofcourse its a big deal, nothing good can come of it.

  4. so what then is the difference between doing it immediately and waiting for 3 months, isn't all sex before marriage?


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