Friday, 15 November 2013

How to be Funny

These tips have changed the lives of so many. People that have used them have testified to be more socially attractive, funny, likable and the life of every crowd. If these could work for them, then I’m pretty sure it can work for you. Feel free to thank me later.
STEP 1; Self humour is the best. For example, if you are very fat, you can say “I’m so fat, when I mount a scale, it says to be continued” or “I’m so fat, I wake up in sections”.
STEP 2; Keep a universal view, broaden your knowledge, learn to be friends and get along with a lot of people.

STEP 3: When you purposely make fun or ridicule people, don’t go too far. This isn’t being funny, its being a jerk.
STEP 4; Don’t try too hard because then you only comes off as awkward. Make it look effortless
STEP 5; Know your audience. A joke is only funny if people understand and relate to it. So, don’t tell a joke about about something most of your audience won’t understand.

STEP 6; Get acquainted with news and current events. These can be joked about, depending on their seriousness.
Easy right?  Well its as simple as that. Feel free to share your testimonies. I have just one problem though, how come these NEVER WORK FOR ME? There are times when I’m so DAMN DRY even a burnt toast is better. It huurrttsss! #crying BBm smiley# I want to be funnnnyyyyy..#still crying#



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