Friday, 8 November 2013

Short Guys Are Possessive: My Opinion

I have been with my fair share of guys so I know at least a little  thing or two about them, a little enough to draw my own conclusions. More often than not, tall guys whether handsome or not are much less insecure about themselves in relationships compared to shorter guys. The consequence of this is that tall guys therefore do not “guard” their “babies” as intensely as shorter guys even when faced with more socially influential and physically attractive rivals.

          Let me attempt to explain why this may be so. Girls! Ladies! Women! Females! They are the brains behind the so-called “short-man syndrome”.  Women naturally gravitate towards taller men. I can’t exactly say why but it is true. Maybe because the taller a guy the more masculine, powerful and assertive he looks by social standards, or may be because it’s just common expectation , some people just believe that it is expected of them to associate with taller guys. Whatever the reasons are, short guys are rarely a first choice for girls especially the naïve ones who are just about to test the waters. And the way we (females) treat them like kids because of how small they are can be annoying too and it doesn’t help their ego.
          That they are randomly never a first pick can hit a guys confidence like a ton of bricks. It allows certain complexes and depressive feelings to subconsciously set in and sometimes they are unaware of this development. They therefore tend to act out their insecurities when in relationships especially with a truly loved partner. They personalize issues more and become more possessive and aggressive in their relationships to gain respect and recognition. These insecurities, let me state, are most likely from the social structures around those involved and rather than from the individual. Afterall, you rarely see clothing lines looking for short Models.
          William Biazzo in an attempt to explain this said that “when you are a short man, you notice certain things. Taller people seem promoted over shorter people, get more money in the profession, are referred to as natural leaders in any group which they are a part of and are found to be more attractive with rare exceptions. This bias in favour of height may explain why shorter men need to be more intense than their taller compatriots. Unless they actively fight for their day in the sun, they won’t have the same success that a taller person achieves by right”.
          In my opinion, I agree that shorter guys tend to be more possessive because of all these so-called social norms, but I also know that taller doesn’t always mean better especially from a romantic point of view. I’ve been in relationships with guys slightly shorter than I am and they are pretty great guys. In fact some of the most amazing friends I have are not exactly tall either.  Nobody loves a tall dickhead. The instant attraction may pop-up but it dies as fast as it sprung up if the guy is a douche-bag. As far as I am concerned, tall guys do well because they stand out and that’s okay, but being short only means you can stand out in many other ways. Ones lack of a tall gene should never determine the persons personality.  
          So, while acting out aggressively in an attempt to gain respect and recognition (short-mans syndrome) is not a welcome habit (it’s a turn-off), I don’t really blame these folks, because we (females) cause it. We treat them as shit and when they get fed up they develop the syndrome and pounce on any other unlucky girl that may come their way.
          So where do I stand in all of this, there’s no point in feeling weird about being short, people like me (and we are many) love you just the way you are. Besides, these days especially in ‘naija’ with modern trends and the famous economic meltdown, the number one female attraction Is success, so y’all should quit being so intense and get rich…lol.  
*whats your opinion*  

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